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What is the Holy Spirit and how does it work in my life?

Just as every human has a soul, or spirit, so does our creator, GOD. As a matter of fact, he made us in His image! The difference between our spirit and God's spirit is, well, for one, God's spirit is Holy. It is perfect, sinless and without flaw or imperfection. It is also much mightier and powerful than our spirit's could ever be. God uses His Holy Spirit to keep track of everything going on down on Earth. It's the network that connects God to His church. It guides Christians in their everyday lives and brings them into a closer relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) is also what takes prayers to God, it brings peace, it counsels you, helps you make decisions and it protects Christians from the destructive works of Satan.

When you accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit literally comes into you and opens your eyes to the truth of God and the deceptions of Satan. You finally see this world with a purity of heart and the ugly, evil things in it stick out like a sore thumb. But, the Holy Spirit, even though it dwells within each and every person who has accepted and believes in Jesus Christ, will not open your eyes if you do not pray that they be opened. You still must knock for the door to be opened for you. The Holy Spirit will do it. Prayer, guided by the Holy Spirit, is the most powerful, effective tool Christians have.

The Holy Spirit will hopefully become your counselor on all issues in your life. (I say "hopefully" because you have to allow it to become your counselor by consulting it on all issues.) It will help you make Godly decisions, it will help you discern between true and false teaching, it will protect you from the work of Satan, and it will take your prayers to the Father in Heaven because it is the very Spirit of the Father in Heaven! Open your heart to the Holy Spirit, pray that you will be filled to overflowing with it. Pray that it will guide your life and let you know the will of God, your Father...and it will happen.

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