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Thursday, September 23, 1999

To all my Children, whom seek Happiness;

Go forth my Children. Do not hesitate to tell others of my Son, Jesus. Do not be hindered by the things of this world. You know that it is I, in you, who does all things. You know that it is I, who will give you my Word. Can you not hear me? Can you not feel my very presence in your body? Know that it is I, who will gives you the words to say. Be not afraid to open your mouth and tell others of my saving Grace. And be not ashamed! Go forth into this world and share the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you not know that I bless those who bless me? As you speak forth my Word, I hear. It brings great Joy to my heart. You bless me and in return; I will pour out many blessings upon you. My Children, I love you. It is my will that you walk in Peace and in Joy and in Love. Call upon my name to give you strength; and it shall be done. Ask that I pour out my love upon you; and it will be done. Do you not know that when you share my Gift of Everlasting Life, there is a great Joy that will surge up in you?

I am alive, my Children. My very Spirit is within you. Seek not the things of this world to bring you pleasure and reassurance. It is I, who will give you all things. When you feel uncertain, come to me and ask that I clarify it to you. Do I not know your heart? Do I not know your very soul? It is I who knows how you think. It is I, who knows what you will say, before you say it. Can I not give you an understanding of that which you do not understand? Do not seek in this world for answers that only I can give you. Come to me Children. Pray that I reveal the things to you, that you wish to know. Do not squabble amongst yourselves. Come to me and I shall reveal all to you. All that you seek understanding of. My Children, my Children, there are many pleasures in this world that feed the flesh. Do you not know that the enemy desires that all my people seek pleasure to feed the flesh? In this way he has taken their attention, their very heart off of those things that are truth. It is in me that a pure pleasure may be found. A pleasure found in my spirit. In me you shall find great Joy. In me you shall find a pure Love. In me you shall find Strength and Humility. In me you shall find Peace. Happiness will abound in those who grasp hold of this truth. My Children, hear me. The things in this world are only temporal. They will only last for a little while. This is not what your very soul yearns for. Close your eyes to this world Children and open your hearts to me. For true fulfillment and an everlasting pleasure is found in me. The foundation has been laid, Children. The foundation of my Son. It was He, who gave his life in Love. It is upon Him that you shall build. Now that he has laid down his life, you must build from there. Allow my Holy Spirit to bring forth the Fruits of Everlasting. It is in these fruits that you will find the pleasure that you seek. A pleasure that is everlasting. A pleasure that will build upon the foundation that has been laid. My Children, Seek to taste of these fruits. For when you taste of my fruit you shall find the pleasure that your heart desires.

Turn your hearts over to me, Children. Give me the control of your lives. My Children, I hear you complain. I hear you say how you wish things were better. Stop now. Do not speak this out any more. Come to me and release all that you are to me. Give me your hearts. Give me control of your lives. When you do this Children, then, I will begin to pluck out those things that are not of me. I will mold you and conform you to the image of my Son. Those things that drag you down, those things that bring you sadness, I will destroy. Many of you do not hear my voice, because you are busy trying to keep control of your lives. Do you not realize that it is I who can bring forth a life that is pleasing to you? Let go, Children. Let go! Give all that you are to me. I will purge from you all that which is undesirable. It is then that you will begin to hear. Seek, and ask that I open your ears. Seek to hear my voice. My desire is to walk with you. Do as I say, my Children. The burdens of this world will begin to lift. Throw off the yoke of this world, by giving yourself to me. By handing over the very life you live and giving it to me, you are throwing off the yoke that is heavy. It is burdensome. It will leave you feeling drained at the end of the day. You will feel tired and unfulfilled. But my Children, listen and listen carefully. I will replace that burdensome yoke with my yoke. My yoke is easy. It is light. and it will bring great Joy into your lives. It is a yoke of Love.

My Children, I am Love. Hear me Children. It is in me that all the happiness you seek, shall be found. All the pleasures of this world can not compare to the Love that you will find in me. Hear my Word Children. Seek me. Give to me all that you are. I ache to hold you in my arms. To search your hearts. I long to give you Peace. My Children, do not be afraid of me. I am Love. I will never leave or forsake you. I am Love. I will never hurt you. For I am Love. Do not stop seeking, my Children. Do not stop asking, until you hear my voice. The world will tell you many things Children. Do not sell yourself short to this world. My will is that you hear my voice. My will is that your ears be opened. Do not stop seeking. Do not stop asking. For soon I will open your ears. You will hear my voice within you. We will walk together. Day by day. I will teach you all things. Do not stop seeking to hear my voice. For it is my will that you do. Amen

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