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Friday, September 24, 1999

To Those, Whom in Me, will set the Captives Free;

Go forth my Children and spread my Word. Do you not know that you are my disciples? Tell those who live next to you. Tell those you meet in the street. The power of my son, shall come upon you. You need not be concerned for what you will say. The power of my Son will bring forth words from your mouth. Words that shall bring Everlasting Life to those who hear. My Children, it is my will that I spend eternity with all. I do not wish that any should perish. You my Children, as you grow in my Love, shall see this. You shall see how my heart aches for the very souls of all those in this world. Those who are lost in sin and are blinded to truth. Do you not see this Children? Do you not see their struggle? Do you not see the hold that sin has on their very lives?

My Children, It is the power you have found in Christ that will set them free. Free from the bondage of sin. Tell them of my Love for them. Tell them how Jesus, my Son, died on the cross. Tell them how his death can set them free. You shall not go unrewarded. As you speak forth the Word of Life, there is great rejoicing. Here in my Heaven Children, much is released. Do you not realize the very words that you speak on behalf of my son, releases a power from my heavens? A power that sets the captives free?

My Children, picture this: As you walk out of your homes you are Joyous, in me. You sing in your hearts that you have been set free. My Children; Then, you see another who is chained to a tree. They can not walk. They can not sing. For they are chained and there is no way for them to get free. You my child see them chained to that tree; lonely, afraid and very thirsty. For my Children they have been chained to that tree for many days. You walk over to them and you see that the chains have caused bruising and they are in pain. For these chains have cut into their flesh and wounds are open, for all to see. My Children, you have the key! You begin to unlock the locks, that hold the chains, that keep them bound to the tree. One by one you turn the key and they are released. You watch as the chains drop to the ground and you rejoice for they are free. You take them with you. You take them home. You give them water to drink and balm to apply to their wounds. You hold them and tell them they have been set free. You rejoice for them and sing, "They have been set free." But wait; They recall someone else, whom they had seen, tied to the tree next to them. Yes! They have the key! They must go and unlock the chains that bind this person to this tree. So, off they go. Singing in their hearts. Joyous they have been set free. All they know and all they care is; there was another out there, in the grove of trees. Another just waiting for the key. The key that would set them free. As they turn the locks that break the chains, that sets the captive free, they rejoice for yet another has been set free. They pick them up bring them home and give them drink. They apply the balm to their wounds. And now there are three. Three who go out and search the grove of trees. Search for the captives. Search with the key. There are many they find and many who are set free.

My Children, do you not see; Jesus is the key? In Him, all are set free. Free from death. Free from the tree. Free from the curse of sin. My Children; you each have been given this key. The key that is Jesus. For he will set them free. Do not hesitate to go forth in this world. Offer this key to all those who are blinded, to all who do not see. Once they have taken hold of the key of Life, the chains are broken. The chains that hold them in bondage. The bondage of death. My Children, do you not see how precious this key is? It was He who gave his life that all may be set FREE!

My Children, listen and listen carefully: I give you this example of a tree. For there was a tree in my Garden of Eden. A tree that was named "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil". It was the fruit of this tree that was forbiden to Adam and Eve. It was the fruit of this tree that would cause them death. My Children, I commanded that they not eat of the fruit of this tree. Yet, in disobedience they ate. The curse of sin was unleashed upon thee.

The key my Children is found in Jesus. He is the key that will set men free. He is the key that will unlock the curse that binds all to death. Go out my Children. Go out and tell those who are chained to this world. Tell them of Love. The Love of my Son, Who died on the tree that they might be set free. Speak forth my Word boldly, administer the key. You will see chains drop and people set free. Trust and believe for I have given to thee, the key of Life. I gave my Son, who died for thee. He gave his life upon the tree that all might see, there is victory. Victory over the curse of sin. Victory over death. Victory! Walk forth in this world and set the captives free. Amen

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