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Saturday, September 25, 1999

Cast out all doubt. Do not be conformed to the things which you have known. Those things which this world has laid upon your hearts. This world, my children, began in beauty and will end in spoil. Is it not written that the world will be consumed in Fire? This, my people, is true. The time is coming in which all that the world has taught will be devoured. Nothing will be left. Ashes will be strewn from one end to the other. Listen, oh people of mine. Listen. Do not conform to the ways of this world. For, this world will perish. Those who hang tight to this world, will perish too. Do not doubt! Do not think that the things that are written, the things that are yet to come, will not happen. These things are closer than you may think. Allow me, oh People of Mine. Allow me to conform you to the image of my Son. The time is short, and the time has come that my people will rise up. Do not think that you can serve to masters. As it is written, you can not! You must all let go! You must all give to me those things from this world that you harbor in your hearts. You must give to me those things in this world that have you bound in the flesh. Do not let the enemy destroy you. Do not let him drag you to an everlasting death.

Oh people of mine, hear the words that are written. Hear what I have to say. Many of you struggle, yet do not know why. Many of you stumble, yet do not see that which causes you to do so. Many of you gossip, yet justify it in your own minds. Open your eyes, oh people of mine. Open your eyes and see. The time is short. Purify your hearts before me. I hear all, see all and know all. do not think that what you do goes unnoticed. You can not serve to masters and the time has come. You must choose. Do not come to me with excuses. Do not come to me in hopes that you have a special case, which will justify, all that I have seen you do. No! Do not come to me unless you have chosen to purify your hearts. Do not come to me unless you have chosen to give all to me. Oh people of mine, read in my word. Do you not see those things which you put before yourself. Those things that cause you to stumble. I, your God Almighty shall go before you and none shall go before me. Do you not see how you stumble? Look inside, Oh People of Mine. Look in side your hearts. Do you not see the evil thoughts? Do you not see the filth which lies within. This is not how it should be. You must let go of the evil which lurks about your heart. Let go of all that keeps you from being honest with me. This causes you strife and you struggle within. Be purified, let go to me. Oh people, hear this. You open your mouth and a curse comes out. Do you not know that the very people whom you talk about are the ones whom I love? Who are you to speak judgment upon those whom I have forgiven. Who are you to speak out curses upon their heads. Do you not know that I will judge you, in the same way in which you judge others. Stop this talk. Stop that which you say behind closed doors. You can not hide from me and I hear all that you say. Repent now, before it is too late.

I send one to you. One whom I have chosen to speak forth my word. Heed what is said. For it is I, your GOD, who has spoken. Do you not know that I love each and everyone of you? I detest those things that you do. Those very things that will destroy you. This world will become a snare to those who refuse to walk in my ways. You will be swallowed up and destroyed in the fire. I am your only way to salvation. I am your only way to a life everlasting. The prince of this world will only devour you and spit you out in the fire. Search my word and see if that which I say has been written in the days of old. Search, Oh People, search. For you must obey. You must repent and you must be rid of all that I despise. For then, My people, you will become a pure vessel. One that I can use. One that will serve in the great battle ahead. Do not be caught off guard. Search your hearts, people. Open your heart before me. Give all that you are to me and I will clean all your ways. I will pour out my spirit upon you. You will march in accordance to my will. You will speak out boldly and you will not be afraid. You will no longer stumble. You will no longer struggle and you will no longer place judgment upon those whom I love. You will become one in me. You will, My people. You will be conformed to the image of my Son. You will shine forth the beauty of my Light. You will be as I meant you to be. You will stand straight and tall. You will march boldly forward into battle and you shall not stumble for all that is before you is me. You shall not struggle, for all that is in you, is me. And you shall not gossip, for the words that you shall speak forth, will be from me.

Believe this, Oh people of mine. Believe for the time is short and there is much to be done. Amen

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