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Monday, September 27, 1999

To Those whom in me, shall partake of my Meat;

Grow up in me, my Children. Let not your minds be deceived. It is I, in you, who makes all things happen. Grow up in me Children. Do not be deceived. Let my Love flow. Let it come forth within you. Do you not see now? It is the very things you harbor within yourselves, within your hearts; that hinder my Love from flowing forth. It hinders that which I am from moving forward and taking you from Glory to Glory. You, my Children, shall be as my servant Paul, when he said, "it is not I, who lives, but Christ in me." Do you not understand? Can you not see that it is I, in you, that will make all things be? My Children, once you have renounced all that which binds you to this world, all those things that are not of me, you shall see.

My Children, much I have said concerning the things of this world. I ask that you not partake of those things that can only lead you to death. I gave my life on the cross, that you might partake of my body. Not the things of this world. It is my will that understanding be brought forth within you. Pray and ask for wisdom, Children. Pray and ask that I pour out my wisdom upon you. For it is in wisdom that you will find knowledge. Children, Do not seek the things of this world. Seek me.

Many of you have received my Gift. Many have received Eternal Life. It was through my blood that you where cleansed and it was through my blood that you were born again. My Children, My Children stop suckling on my milk. Allow me to feed you meat. The meat of my body. It is I in you who will accomplish all. Grasp hold of this truth. Do not be conformed to this world. Be conformed, by my Love for you. Do not drink of the pleasures that this world has to offer. Drink of my Living Waters. Close your eyes to this world and open your heart to me. For then you will begin to partake of my meat. Then you shall begin to partake of my body, as it was meant to be.

I will become, in you, that which was meant to be. That which has been planned for you since the beginning of time. Do not prolong this work, by hanging onto those things that I despise. Those things of this world that only hinder my work in you. Let go my Children, Let Go. Become a vessel that I can use. Children, Is it not written that your body is my temple? Listen to me. Hear what I have to say. It is I, in you that will accomplish all things. Do not be deceived by thinking it is you who accomplishes the will of my father. It is I, in you. You call out to me in prayer. You ask that my Father's will be done. Yet you continue to hang on to the very things that hinder his work in you. The very things that hinder his will in you. His will, my Children, is that you be crucified with me. That it is not you that live, but I in you. In this way my Children, you will become one with me. One with the Father Just as I and the Father are one. Believe this my Children and receive the truth as it is written. did I not pray this in Gethsemane. My Love for you is great. My heart aches that you may receive this truth. That you might begin to give to me those things that hinder you. Those things that you yet, do not want to let go of. If any of you do not understand, pray that I might give you wisdom. Ask that I reveal those things, within you, that hinder your walk with me. And, my Children, be ready to obey. Be ready to let go. Rejoice in letting go. Rejoice! For you know that it is I, in you, who replaces that which is let go with those things that are of me. The very things that your soul yearns for. Children, Believe!! Seek in my word of old. Seek and see, that what I speak is forever true. Is it not written that this world and all that is in it will pass away, but my Word will remain forever. Search! Those who do not believe, search my Word and you shall see. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the Last. All things were created by me and all things will end by me.

Do not be deceived by the enemy. The very one who seeks to set a throne above me. For he is defeated. He seeks to devour and destroy, to deceive and lie his way to an eternal hell. And, my Children, listen; He wants to take as many of you with him, as possible. It was he that brought sin into this world, through a lie. And it is he that continues to lie, so that sin will not be revealed. Listen, Oh Children of Mine, listen. Do not be deceived. Do not be trapped in the darkness of this world. Do not be deceived by a lie. It is I, who came and gave my life on the cross. It is I who shed my blood for you. Yes you, all my Children. I shed my blood that you might be saved. Saved from the curse of sin. Sin that was brought forth through a Lie. It is in me that victory can be found. It is through me that all who believe are given Eternal Life. So let us go forward, my Children. Let us go forward in my Light. Grasp hold of the truths that are written. Let go of the things in this world that are only lies. Grasp hold of the Truth of Life. Grasp hold of the understanding. It is I, in you, that will take you from Glory to Glory. It is I, in you, who will produce the fruit. It is I, in you, who will grow you up. And, it is I, in you, who will bring you through life victoriously.

Oh Children of Mine. Hear that which is written herein. Let go of the things that hinder your growth in me. Allow me to shine forth in you. Stop conforming yourself to this world. Allow me to conform you to my very image. You must let go. For you hinder me from growing you up in all my ways. You hinder your walk with me. Let go my Children, let go. For it is my will that you do. Amen

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