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Thursday, September 30, 1999

Go forth all ye, who love me. Spread forth my word of Life. It is you, whom I have chosen. You whom I predestined, before time to tell others of my saving Grace. There are those, my Children, who still believe that salvation comes by their own hand. By the good deeds that they do. Oh, my Children, it is up to you. It is up to you to tell them that my Gift is free. It can not be bought or sold. It can not be obtained by the workings of their own hands. It is a gift of Love. A Gift that has already been bought. A gift that was paid for by my very blood. My Children, remind them that it was I, who hung on the tree. Is it not written, cursed is he who hangs on a tree. My children, tell them that I became sin for them. That it was I who paid the penalty of Sin. By becoming sin for them. It was I who chose to die that they might live. That all who believes might become my bride for eternity. Tell them children, that through me all good things are done and not by their own hand. The time is short and their are many who are deceived. Deceived in believing that they alone can bring salvation unto themselves. Tell them, tell them of my Mercy. Tell them that it is I who gives life and I give it freely.

Do not allow them to stay bound to their demise. Do not allow them to continue to be deceived. As they believe in faith, upon me; they will begin to see that it is in me that all good things come to be. They will begin to spread forth fruits of righteousness. For it will be I, in them, that plants the seed. Do not let the false teaching of this world destroy their very lives. It is in me and only me that salvation can be obtained and it is free. Free to all those who believe. Those who believe in me. Amen

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