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Sunday, October 3, 1999

For those who will bloom in me;

My Children, I am the vine and you are the branches. Is this not so? Have I not chosen you to be grafted into my vine. The vine, My Children, is my body. It is in me that you are given life. Life to bring forth fruits. Fruits of righteousness. Have I not said that you need not be concerned for those things in which you do not understand. For it is I, in you, that makes all things happen. It is I, in you, who will bring forth the fruits. My Children, look at a vine and see how it grows. Do all buds come forth at the same time? Do all open up and produce blooms at the same time? So shall it be with my army of these last days. I have brought forth buds upon the vine. In me, my Children, I have brought forth buds. Buds that are opening and producing a bloom. Blooms that produce a fragrance that is pleasing to me. These buds, my Children, are the first of many. Many who will bloom forth and produce a fragrance that is pleasing to me. As the blooms come forth on the vine; so shall it be with my Army in these last days. There are many, now, my Children; many who are being raised up in these last days to comprise my front line. These, my Children, have seen the path that I have prepared before thee. They see that it is I, who is in the lead. When you begin to see these blooms, my Children, you will know that the time is near. The time in which, I will bring forth my army to fight the battle of these last days. The battle to win souls for eternity. You who see this and begin to seek me with all your hearts then you shall begin to bloom. You will stretch out your arms to me, just as the bloom open its petals to take in the light of the sun. So it shall be with you. You shall open your arms to take in the light of my Love. Just as the sun gives warmth and light to the bloom. So shall I give Love and Life to those who open their arms to me. My Children, do not be deceived. It is not the blooms that light the way. It is the vine that gives life to the blooms. It is my Love that shines forth. This is the season, my Children. The season, in which, I am bringing life to my vine. Wake up, oh Children of mine, wake up and see. See the blooms unfold. Seek me. Seek the life that is produced by the vine. For soon it will be in full bloom. The world will see the beauty of my vine. They will smell the fragrance that is put forth. They shall marvel at its strength and they shall be amazed at how rapidly it grows.

Those who have an ear, hear what, your Lord is saying. The time has come and it is the season, in which, I am raising up my army. There are many blooms already open. These my Children are my people who are standing tall and firm in my Love. They are obeying, for they see what lies ahead. It is a battle. A battle that will be fought in these last days. They have armed themselves in truth. The truth of my love for thee. They have picked up my weapons to use in the fight. They have put on the armor that I provide. They know of the enemy, whom they shall fight. They have been anointed in power to speak boldly and walk in the strength of my Love. They have been given courage to stand firm and speak out boldly. They know of the power that is found in my Word. The power that is found in me. Do not be deceived; for it is I who gives them all that they have. It is I, the vine, who gives them life. and it is I, in them that brings forth the light.

My Children, my Children, you whom are still buds. Cry out to me. Seek my warmth and my Love. For as surely as you do, I will surely bring forth Life within you. You shall begin to bloom in beauty and in truth. You shall open up and drink in my Love. I will prepare you and give you understanding. Your eyes shall open and you shall begin to see that I have provided you with all that you need to fight in these last days. I have given you the helmet of salvation to wear upon your head. I have given you the breastplate of righteousness to wear upon your chest. I have given you the belt of truth to gird around your waist. I have given you my shoes of peace to go forth in Love. I provide to you my Word that will be your sword and my Children, I have given you my shield of Faith to protect you from the arrows of the enemy. With these my Children, you shall stand tall and firm in my Love. You shall join the ranks of my Army. You will know that it is I, who leads. You shall shine forth in brilliance. The brilliance of my light. My Children, you shall bloom forth in righteousness. With all this, my Children, I shall bring forth within you humility. For you shall humble yourselves before me.

You shall see the lost in this world and you shall cry out to me. My spirit shall become mighty in thee. You will reach out your hand and they will grab hold. You will introduce them to me. You will share of my love. They will be grafted into me. For they shall accept life. The life that is given. Eternal life in me. My Children, it is I who gave my life that all might live in me. That all might live eternally. My Children, I hung upon the tree that you might live. I've paid the penalty. It is in me that life is found. Death exists no more. It is I, who has the victory.

Grow forth my Children, grow forth in me. For I shall give you strength. I shall give you life. And in me, my army will be formed. In me you shall walk in victory. In me you shall be prepared. and In me you will walk forth in victory. Soon, My Children, soon, my vine shall be in full bloom. Do not hinder your growth. But come to me, and know that it is I the vine who gives you life. Do not seek this world, for you shall wither and die. For it is I, the vine that gives you life. Grow strong in me, grow firm. for you shall bloom, for all the world to see. Amen

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