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Tuesday, October 5, 1999

The time has come to be purified;

Grow up in me. Thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty. The time has come in which I, your God, shall raise up my army. I, your God, am tired of the ways in which my people have come to me. They cry out in the church pews for me to bring upon them the power of my Holy spirit. Yet, they refuse to do the very things, in which, I command them to do. Do they not see that I am a God of mercy? I have poured out my mercy upon all my people. Yet they refuse to do those things in which I command them to do. Speak to them, Oh Child of mine. Tell them that I hear their cries. Tell them that it is my will that I pour out my spirit upon them in mighty way. But, they must purify their hearts to me, Child. They must come to me with all that they are. They must give up those things in this world that I despise. Tell them, my Child. Tell them that I hear their cries. Yet, I their God Almighty, shall not lift my hand and pour out my Spirit until they purify themselves in me. They want the best of what they perceive in their minds. They want my outpouring and they want their world. They do not want to give up one for the other. Tell them, my Child, tell them that I their God will pour out my spirit upon those who come to me and are purified. Those who know that it is I, their God, whom they need. That I, their God, am their source of strength. Their source of Love. They must wake up, my Child, and see. The time is short and there is much to be done. Wake them up, Oh Child of mine. Wake them up with my word. Tell them of my Love for them. Tell them of my strength. Let them know that they too can receive my spirit in Power and in Glory. But, they must first come to me and be purified. My Child, I will pluck out those things that are not of me. But, they must be willing to let go. Let go of those things that keep me from pouring out my spirit upon them in a mighty way. My Child, they might think that they are clean, but they are not. They might walk in this world, upright and righteous in the sight of men, but they are not to me. Tell them Child, they must come and give me their hearts. They must come and give me their lives. That I, their God, might purify them. Prepare them for the work that is at hand. They are deceived, for they see themselves as righteous, yet they harbor evil within their hearts. They cry out to me to bring revival, yet they insist upon hanging onto their own thoughts. Thoughts which are not of me. Child, my thoughts are not their thoughts. They must come before me and ask that I purify their hearts. For then they will see that the change from within is greater than the change from without. Oh, my Child, how I grieve that they might see. Tell them Child, tell them. That I, their God, loves them deeply. I gave my life that they might be set free. My Child, they have been conformed to the standards that this world has set. Standards placed by man. They have believed all that is taught and have conformed themselves nicely. Yet, Child, this is not of me. Tell them Child, tell them these standards are not of me. For my yoke is light. All I ask, my Child, is that they come to me. How hard is it my Child, to just come to me? They do not realize that it is I; who can set them free. Free from their thoughts. Free from the standards that man has brought. When they come to me, my Child, with a purity of heart; then they shall see that I, their God, will pour myself upon thee. Tell them Child, to shake off that which they have known and come to me. For then, I shall pluck out those things that they harbor within their hearts and replace them with those things of me. Do they not know that it is I, in them, that should be? Tell them Child, tell them to ask for my heart. Tell them to ask to see through my eyes. Tell them to give all that they are to me. This must be, my Child. For then and only then, shall I begin to pour out my spirit upon them in a mighty way. Then and only then will they begin to see my ways and understand that my ways are not their ways. They will begin to see through the purity of my heart and not the grayness of their own. Then they shall begin to see through my eyes and not through the veil of darkness that covers their own. Then they shall know that every breath they take comes from the life within them. The life that is me. The life that should be. Tell them my Child, tell them. for it is my will they might see. Go out and tell them to repent of that which is not of me.

My Child, do not be despaired. For it is I, your God, who has chosen you to speak forth my word. You my Child, have tasted the mighty power of my Holy spirit within you. I have called you, my Child, to speak forth my word in boldness. There is no room for doubt. Come to me, Child; and I shall purge this doubt from your very heart. It is I, your God, who speaks and it is I, your God, who has chosen you to go forth among my people and speak out my word. The time has come in which they must be purified. They must come to me and give all that they are. The time has come, in which, I will no longer tolerate the wickedness that runs rampant within my church. You, my Child, shall stand firm in what I say and you, my Child, will speak my words in boldness. I have not given you a spirit of timidity but one of boldness. One that will enable you to stand firm in all that I say. One that will enable you to lay hands upon those who are in need and speak forth my will upon those who do not understand. You, my Child, have been chosen. I chose you before you were yet born from your mothers womb. You shall speak forth my word and you shall bring many to an understanding of me. My Child, do not be deceived, for you know that it is I, in you who will make all things happen. It is I, in you who will shine forth the light of my everlasting. You, my Child, have been chosen to serve as my vessel. And it is in you that my will shall be done. Therefore, my Child, go out to those whom I have chosen, to those whom I bring to you and tell them of my will. Tell them Child, tell them that it is I, their God, whom they must seek. Tell them that until they purify their hearts to me they shall not receive my spirit in might. Tell them they must repent. Repent of their unwillingness to give all to me. Tell them my Child, that when they do, I shall lift them up unto me. I shall reveal in them my glory. Then my Child and only then shall they begin to taste of the power that is within me. The power of my very spirit. The power that comes from my heart. The power that pours out Love upon thee. My Child, I have called you to speak forth my will. My will of my people. Tell them, my Child. For the time is coming. A great harvest is being prepared. I shall bring in the wheat of my harvest and soon the shaft will be burned in my fire. Tell them Child, tell them. The time has drawn near. The time that is spoken of. The time of the harvest draws near. My Child, speak forth my words. Tell my Children that the time has come to repent and draw near. For I come soon. My Child, you have been chosen to speak forth my will. You have been chosen to sound the trumpet of my call. Now go, Child, and tell all. The time is near and they must prepare. The season is upon us and my harvest will be brought in. Amen

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