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Wednesday, September 15, 1999

Unto All who love me,

I am your fortress. In me you will find strength. I call out to you daily, yet you do not hear. In me you will find peace and salvation. You who think you know the way, have not even a clue. Be careful of what you say, for I am the Great Almighty, it is only in me which you will be saved.

Seek me, trust me and you will find me. Be careful of the paths you choose. For there is only one. Lie with me, wait in me, be with me. For I see all, know all and I am all that there is. You see, in me is life. A life everlasting. Go and tell people of me. No man knows me unless he has been told of me. It is through you that my work is done on Earth. Without you, I am nothing to the one who does not know me. Yet by you, I can become life to another. You see, I created the Heavens and the Earth for all to be part of me. Be a part of my great plan. Can I not tell that you grieve for me? Can I not see you need me? Yes! Prepare the way for me. I want all to know me. Some will refuse my love, but many will take me as their own. Create in me the opportunity to place my love on all.

Be careful who you choose to receive my word. Pray continually, non-stopping, always checking with me. For many will come pretending to be in me, yet they do the work of the devil. You see, it is not my will that they perish, but they choose to serve him instead of me. Follow my lead, always trust in me. I shall take you from Glory to Glory. You will come to know all of me. You will see. Come to me. I teach you great things, I will bring you into peace, for I am your GOD. My son died for your sins that you may be set free. I had him nailed upon a cross that you all might see my love for you is great. I want you in me, to bring the rivers of life to you. You will walk in this river and see that I am he who gives life eternally. There is none like me. I am your Father, your God and you, my children who come to me, are my bride. For I died on a tree so that our marriage would be. Come unto me and taste of my cup. You who bear fruit will begin to see righteousness come forth in all my glory. I am the stick that stirs the pot of humanity and it is I, who brings forth your glory from seeds. Seeds that are sown by my people of old, who called on my name for salvation. I am your way, your truth and your light. It is I, who chooses who lives and who dies. It is I and not you who will bring forth the fruit. Trust in me you shall see, it is the only way it can be.

You who are weary need me. Call upon my name I will bring you peace and peace that is beyond your own understanding. I do not wish that you be tired. I do not want you to strive in vain, for I am your Lord God Almighty who call you all by name. Seek me, call out to me, be free in me and you will begin to see that weariness comes from not being in me. It comes from the beast who seeks to devour you.

You who are afraid, it is because you do not know me. I long to hold you in my arms to give you comfort in your time of need. Open the door, bring forth my will to hold you and love you. Call upon me and seek me for you shall find that I am here for you. All I want is for you to seek me and ask of me that you shall receive. Can I not give you all things that you ask for? Be in me and you shall receive. Open the door and give unto me yourself that I might love you.

You who are hungry continue to seek. I will fill you up with my word. I will bring forth in you and understanding of me that you may share with others, I send to you. Can I not tell those who are hungry and those who are afraid and those who do not seek my word. Of course I can. I know all things. Be careful not to under estimate me for I am your God and I know all that is and all that will be. Some come to me not understanding my ways, yet I show them the truth and light up their way. No one knows of the glory that I can bring forth in each who want me. Can i not tell that you thirst for me? Can I not behold your mind?

You who think and yet do not seek, be on your guard for I know and it is you that I despise. For you speak not my will but that which you have conjured up in your own mind. Not that I be glorified but for your own worthless ambition. Be not like one of these my children for they I shall cut down. Am I not your God that has created you? Would I not know what I want to say? Be in me, live in me and I will bring you up in my will. Those who do not seek me live in their own world, they have built. You who love me live in My world, that which I built for you. Be on your guard and watch out for them that might try and deceive you with worthless words of ambition. Grow up in me and I will speak unto you all things that will be and should be. Do I not know the day and the hour that you were born? I created you to be in me. Many have lost their way, but you my child I have called by name that you might spread forth my word of everlasting life.

It is in my Son, Jesus, that you shall live. It is he who loved and he who gave and he whom I cherish from everlasting to everlasting. It is in him that you shall find the truth. It is in him that you shall find your way. It is in him that I give life everlasting and in him that you will come to believe. So, be not afraid and be not weary, but open the door and seek me. I gave you my son that you might be saved. He will lead you unto me. He is at my right hand for all to see and he lives in me. Trust in him, whom I sent to you. Trust that he will lead you into life. Trust, trust, trust and follow his ways for it is he that brings life and a relationship with me. Glorify him.

Be careful again that you be not deceived. For many will come in my name. It is I and only I that will give life through my son and in him you are right with me. Those who come will tell lies of me and they will say that I am not your God. They will claim to know the way, yet that way is not mine. My way is only through Jesus my son. My way is only through him. He will hold you up unto me in those days and he will stand firm in thee. Do not be deceived by the evil doers who do not dwell in me, yet claim my name so the elect might be deceived. The elect are you my children. You whom I have chosen since the beginning of time. You whom I have created. It is you who I love and it is you whom my son died for that you might have eternal life in me. Bring forth unto me these people who speak wrong. Pray that they might be saved. Who know that I might have mercy upon them, for the day is coming and the time is short.

Be free in me. Roll in the river of life for there you will find great love, there you find great strength and there you will come to know that I am your GOD Almighty, who loves you.

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