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Saturday, September 18, 1999

I am your Lord God Almighty, I am in you, for you have chosen the truth for life. The truth of Jesus Christ my son. It is in him that you find eternal life, it is through the blood that was shed on the cross that all may find eternal life. You who are tired, come to me, kneel in prayer, seek me for I hear your words and I cry and feel your pain and I will comfort you. I will give you strength. It is in me that all good things are found. Do you not know that I feel what you feel? Do you not know that I cry when you cry? Be rejoiced to know this. For it is I who will bind up your wounds It is I that will wipe away your tears and it is I who will comfort you and provide for your needs. It is belief, it is faith it is that which you do not see that will comfort you. I am in you children. Ask of me and you shall receive. It is my pleasure to give. It is my pleasure to give you strength. You must ask my children, for when you do I will give and I give generously. Be not afraid to come to me and ask. Be not tempted to look in other places for you will not find the comfort you need. You will find only those things that are temporal in nature. Do you not see that it is I, in you that provides all things. Look around you my children. Do you not see that I provide the very air that you breath. I give you the trees and the mountains. I give you the clouds in the sky. I give you the animals that you might be pleased. Do you not see that it is I who created all things that you might take pleasure in them. Do not seek for me in places that I am not found. Find me in my son. Seek in Jesus your Christ, who was crucified that you might have eternal life. Grow up in me children. Do you not see that I long to teach you all things. Give yourself to me. Forsake all that you have. Humble yourself before me. Accept the gift that I give so freely. Accept the sacrifice that my son gave that you might once again find me. Do you not know that he shed his blood for you? Do you not understand the great love that was in him? Seek my children, ask for love. Ask that I might come into your heart. Ask that I might change you from the inside out. Do I not see those things in you that are not good? Yes, my children, I know all things. I know the very things that you hold in your hearts that please me. I know the very things that you harbor in your heart that I do not like. Do I not know what you know what you think at all times? Do I not know those things that you say to yourself? My children I hear your very thoughts. You must come to know this children. You must come to know that there is nothing that I do not know. It is I, in you, that can change the very way in which you think. It is I in you that can replace the old with the new. It is I in you that can run rivers of living waters through you. My children I am real. I am alive. I am Christ in You. Seek me. Yearn for me. For I shall come and I shall make a new creature of you. I shall remove that which is not good and I shall give to you many things that are pleasing to my father. Do you not know that the Holy Spirit is your guide? He will search you my children. He will seek out that which is not of me. My children, My children oh how my heart aches that you might understand. Ask of me for wisdom ask of me for I shall give much to you. Go forward with me my children. I want to send you out, fully armed in my word. There are many who do not know me. They have not heard of the word that saves their life. Do you not know that when you pray for one who is in need and you ask in my son's name that it shall be. My children how I yearn to set all free. How I yearn for all to come to me. Please my children, you must seek me you must ask of me and you must pray that all will find me. The time is short and there is much to do. Pray to me. It is not my will that any should perish. My heart cries out for all to come to me. I love you children. I love you. Be at peace in me. Go forth and spread the word of everlasting life. Go forth and bring the lost to me. Hold them up in prayer, for it is I that will bring everlasting life to them. Introduce them to me, give them my word, for there is life in my word. A life everlasting. Eternal for all those who believe. Eternal for all who call upon my name. Do not let the things of this world stop you from sharing of me. Do not hesitate to tell your neighbor of my gift of everlasting life. My children time is short. That which you do here on Earth I will reward you in Heaven. You must not hesitate for there are many who do not know me. Continue to seek me and I will give you the words that you need. Give freely my children, give as I give to you. Be patient and pray. Give out my word freely, that which has been give you from days of old. Give it out to those who do not know me. My word will penetrate their very souls. Run children run for the time is short. You must carry forth my will that others might be saved. I will lead you and I will not forsake you. Children you must tell them. All whom you meet, tell them of Jesus. Tell them of me. Go now, Go fast we will finish the race. Go now, go fast and do not stop. For great is the gift of life for those who do not know me. I will crown you my children with crowns of glory. Seek out those who do not know me, seek them out in Love. Tell them of Jesus. Oh how great is his love. A love so deep that he gave himself up, to the cross my children to the cross he gave himself up. That you might be saved, set free to Love, Set free to be in heaven with me...eternally. Go children, Go fast.

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