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Sunday, September 19, 1999

To you, the children of the night,

Why is it that you don't hear me calling to you? Why do you not come and seek out my Love? My children, the time is short and it is not my will that any of you perish. Come out of your darkness. Do you not hurt deep inside? This is your need to have me within you. Call upon the name of Jesus. Call out to him that can save you from an eternal death. My son is Life. In him you will find the peace that you seek. Call upon the name of the one and only who can pull you from darkness and put you into light. Call upon the one and only who can pull you from darkness and put you into the light. Look at yourselves. Do you not see your hopelessness. My son can give you hope. He can give you life. Be not afraid of that which you do not see, but have faith. For in it you can find life and life abunduntly. My children what I ask of you and what I tell is not hard. Let go of the pride that binds you to darkness. Let go of the Lust that keeps you in bondage. I give you unto my son that you might be set free. Take this gift that I offer, take it and seek him. Many of you will do great things in his name and bring many others this gift of Life. Let down your guard, that which keeps the darkness within you. Ask of my son, seek him and taste of his love. For once you have, you will see that he is real. That he is alive and he seeks to heal you of your wounds. Those things that the enemy has put on your hearts are lies my children, lies. I shall reveal them to you. I shall show you that they lead to eternal death. It is the enemy you should despise.

You who are reading that do not know me. Go down upon your knees and ask that my son be revealed to you. Jesus is his name. It is he that walked this earth and he that gave his life upon the cross. It is he that will bring you everlasting life. Cry out to him my children, call out to him, for it is my will that you be given to him. Children do not let time be the thing that keeps you from seeking him. Time is but a blip in my great plan. For Life eternal is everlasting. Do not let the words of others keep you from crying out to me. Do not let your own pride keep you from saying that you need me. Children hear this....The time is short, you must call you must seek you must find life. Do away with that which keeps you from him. Stop the very thing that you are doing that causes his face to be hidden from you. Do you not know that there is power in his name? Call upon him, for he shall give you strength, strength that is unknown to you. Strength that will pull you from the darkness that you now live. A strength that will cause you to walk upright in his light. Believe my children believe. For it is I who is calling you out from among the enemy and it is I who will crown you in glory. Yes, you that are reading these words of my Love, come out from your darkness. Now my child now, get on your knees and call out to my son, Jesus is his name. Call out to him and be saved from that which you do. The very things that will kill you my child. In him you will find the Love that you crave, in him you will fear no more. Do you not know that death is of the enemy. Satan is his name. Do you not know that a victory has been won. A victory that was complete when my son hung on that tree. He gave his life for you my child for you. He gave his perfect life for you that you might call upon his name and be saved. Saved from death. My child, In him there is death no more. In him is victory. In him is life everlasting. Do not live as if you have not heard. But be wise and call out to his name. For he shall come to you and give courage and strength. He will touch you with Love. He will fill you up with his light and you will my child, you will shine forth, that all might see. Do not beleive the lies that spew forth from those who do not beleive. That is the enemy, who seeks to devour you. I am real and I will make myself known to you. Do not creep in the night with those who seek to see you die. I will be your shield, I will give you a life everlasting. In me you will find great strength to carry my word forward to others. Do you not know that the time is short? My son will come back for those who love him. He will come back in a mighty Glory, and you my child I want to be with him. I want you to shine forth in his light of everlasting. Glory unto him, my child, for he loves all those whom I give to him.

Be not alarmed for this is how I am. Yes my child I speak to you, you who are reading my word, right now. Do I not know you? Do I not know the day you were born. I am calling to you, my child, now as you read. Accept my gift of Life everlasting. Accept him that can save you from death. Accept him now, before it is to late. You shall see, my child you shall see that it is I who called you by name, to come forth from your darkness and behold the light that is found in my son. Be not ashamed of what others may think of you for it is in me that you will find glory. It is in me that you will find happiness. Do not seek approval from those who do not know me. For I shall lead you to those who do. In them you will find me. In them you will find Love. For I am in all who call upon my sons name. I am in all who seek him. My child, do you not see that I will be the one who carries you forward. I will show you great things and you shall behold a life that you seek. You shall behold the Love that you crave. You shall find warmth in me. But you must ASK , my child, you must ASK. ASK for the gift that I give freely. ASK and you shall receive. ASK now for the time is short and I have much for you to do. ASK now my child. ASK! Amen

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