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Accept Jesus Now!

For GOD so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

For GOD did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.

John 3:16 (Amplified Bible)

GOD loves you, GOD wants to help you, He wants to heal you, He wants to take away your pain, your hurt, your tears. He wants to give to you LIFE...everlasting. His ONLY requirement is that you believe, accept and have faith in his ONLY son, Jesus. The penalty for sin has always been and always will be death. NOBODY can lead a sinless, perfect life. Only Jesus Christ, who was GOD embodied on this earth, lived a sinless life. Yet, despite the sinlessness of His life, He still allowed Himself to be crucified on the cross to pay the penalty for OUR sins. Yours and mine. As soon as you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and repent (turn away from) your sins, your past is forgotten. It is wiped clean, washed in the blood Christ shed on the cross. It is a a gift, given freely. The most important among all the wonderful gifts that GOD gives.

It doesn't matter what sins you've committed. It doesn't matter what you were before, because as soon as you accept Jesus and repent of those sins, the slate is wiped clean. You are truly "born again". A child of GOD. It doesn't matter if you have been an atheist, buddhist, pagan or satanist you will be cleansed and made right in GOD's eyes. Fall down on your knees and pray. Open your heart to Jesus. The door will be opened for you.

Outlined below are the basic steps for accepting Jesus and what you should do afterwards to begin your new walk with Christ. Please, if you have any questions or would like us to pray for you as you break the strongholds of Satan through Jesus, email

The ABC's of Accepting Jesus

  1. Admit to God that you are a sinner and that you are turning from your sins (repenting).
  2. Believe in Jesus Christ and thank him for dying on the cross for your sins, so that you may be saved and made clean in God's eyes.
  3. Commit your life to Jesus by asking Him to come into your life as your Lord and Savior.

A Prayer You Can Say

God, I know that I am a sinner. I want to turn from my life of sin and lead only the life you want me to. I believe your son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins, so that I may be saved, and I thank Him for making this ultimate sacrifice so that I may be made clean in your eyes and live an everlasting life. Lord Jesus, come into my life as my Lord and Savior. Forgive me of my sins and wash me clean so that I may be presentable to God, our father. Please Lord, open my eyes to your truth and your light. In Jesus' matchless name...Amen.

First Steps

  1. Get a Bible if you do not have one. It is important to read the Word of God daily, as it gives you all the instructions you need for living a happy, fulfilled life. From marriage to parenting to business ethics, the Bible has it all. There are several places you can download free Bibles from online. You can download one in PDF format at the World Bible Translation Center. At Free Bible Software there are several different versions of electronic Bibles for Windows 95, 98, Windows 3.1x and DOS. The NIV (New International Version) Bible is recommended as it has been translated into the language we use today and is easier to read than the King James Version!
  2. Once you have a Bible, be sure to start reading in the book of John, the 4th book of the New Testament. It contains most of the vital information on the teachings, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament, though vital to the overall completeness and full understanding of God's word, contains the account of the creation of the world, the history of the Jews and the laws applicable to them at that time, proverbs, poetry and songs, as well as many, many prophesies, both fulfilled and ones yet to be fulfilled. It is best read and studied in a group Bible study, Sunday school or with your pastor during church service. The New Testament is where you will find the information you need to know about our Lord Jesus and how He wants us to live.
  3. Stay in prayer constantly, building a solid relationship with Jesus. Ask Him to reveal His will for you and pray for wisdom so that you may fully know and understand His purpose for you and your life. Always be sure to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit each time you study or read your Bible. Pray for others especially. Pray for friends, family and co-workers who have yet to know Christ. Pray for protection for your loved ones. Pray for those in need. Pray, pray, pray! Prayer is the only way to develop a close, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, which is vital to a happy, fulfilled life.
  4. Start visiting different Churches so you can eventually find a church family. God wants us to fellowship with other believers in Christ for affirmation and accountability. I suggest looking in your phone book for local Assemblies of God or Pentecostal churches to attend. However, every Christian church is open for anyone to attend at anytime. The important thing is that the church you chooses believes in the divine death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus and puts NO others before Him. has a church locator search engine to help you find local churches. They have a database of over 6000 churches in the U.S., but your best bet will still be your local phone book.
  5. Above all, have just defected from the ranks of a world ruled by Satan. You have just gone AWOL and Satan will come looking for you. He will tempt you with every sin you have just turned from. If you're turning from pornography, you may notice an increase in the availability of it in your life. If you're turning from being an abusive spouse, the anger you've felt toward your mate may seem to be doubled and tripled at times. If you're turning from alcohol abuse or drug addiction the urge to do it "one more time" may be stronger than ever before. No matter what sin you're turning away from, satan will try his hardest to tempt you with it all the more. But God tells us that the way to resist evil is to "flee from it" and that He will never give us more than we can withstand. Flee from the evil that has caused your sin. Turn your back on it and look towards nothing but Jesus. In Him you will find the strength to resist the temptations of satan. Above all, know that no matter how many times you may falter and fall, Jesus is there to forgive...and then forget. He is your friend, your confidante, your Lord and Savior...for eternity!

Online Resources

These sites should get you well on your way to knowing and loving our Lord Jesus and finding out how much He loves us and wants to help and care for us! May God Bless you and keep you, forever and ever, Amen.

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